Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

A more than helpful teacher

Even if you never went to school, you would have had a teacher. There will also be one teacher that made a really big impact on you. That teacher for me was Ms. Sukhwinder.

My Favorite Teacher

I was in 4th grade when she taught me. She made 4th grade the most memorable year in school for me, and in this essay I will tell you how.

Christmas was right around the corner and the only thing I was expecting was the winter vacation. I was looking forward to just relaxing, especially because after January we had to start preparing for our final exams. It was one week before Christmas and all I was expecting was a workload of holiday homework and more studies, but our social studies teacher, Ms Sukhwinder made an announcement. We were having a Christmas party. But it wasn’t any ordinary party. Every single student in our class had to bring some dessert and some snacks and the whole class would share and eat. I wouldn’t remember everything since it has been 4 years since that happened but that was still a memorable party.

But something happened before Christmas which made my 4th grade even better.

Something that I still remember vividly today. A few days before the big event we had an assembly talking about camping for 2 days and 1 night without our parents. We were going to a campsite called “Hail Himalayas” where we all would be given our own tents and we would be able to participate in adventurous activities. This looked like fun but there was one problem.

I had to go all alone for two days and one night without my parents. I was sure my parents wouldn’t allow me to go there. Soon when I was in class they started handing out the forms which we had to get signed by our parents if we wanted to go camping.

I already decided that I won’t go and once I got home I told my parents about it. It seemed that I wasn’t going and I was okay with it. Then something happened which changed everything.

It all started with a phone call. Ms. Sukhwinder had called my dad and convinced him that it was alright for me to go to Hail Himalayas. She even promised that she will look after me because usually I’m prone to getting car-sick when going through hilly areas.

Something that I thought would never happen was happening right in front of my eyes.

Finally the day arrived. I was all prepared and I went on the bus and sat close to my 2 good friends. Something that started like this ended with vivid memories of me climbing ropes, trekking through the mountains, eating and having fun with my friends and spending those 2 days being happier than I thought I would be.

This was the first time I had been without my parents for two days and one night which is truly amazing.

This was all thanks to my teacher Ms. Sukhwindwer and that is why she is my favourite.