Multitasking seems very efficient, doesn’t it? I mean, we do two things at once and it seems we get 2 things done in a short period of time but is it really real? Now multitasking exists and we do it it but theres a fine line between multitasking and megatasking. Sometimes we eat and work, watch tutorials while doing something and observe and write.
All of these do not affect your productivity but megatasking does. Here’s what I mean. You might watch YouTube while driving or play games when writing or you might be editing a video while writing a blog.
Now look at what happens when you take one of these scenarios. Let’s say I go and sit at my desk planning on writing a blog. Instead I watch YouTube while I write it. So I write very slowly and give it my 30% rather than the 100% I could actually give it. In the end I wouldn’t have done anything productive at the end of the day.
Now let’s talk about monoidealism, better known as the flow state. Being in the state of flow is like being stuck in a white void with the thing you are focusing on inside of it. It’s a magical state where everything seems possible and nothing seems to distract you.
So what is flow state?
Flow state usually appears when you are faced with something challenging or engaging. You have entered the state of flow when you have become fully immersed in what you are doing. The usual chatter of your mind dies away and all feelings like hunger just fade away. You won’t know that you are in the flow state when you are in it. Only afterwards will you feel the ecstacy when you left it.
Benefits of the flow state:
- Immense focus
You are completely immersed in it which means no distractions which means more productivity of your work.
- Clarity
When you are in the flow state, you would know what to do without even thinking about it.
- Devoid of distractions.
When you are in the flow state, you won’t feel hunger, thirst and drowsiness. The only thing on your mind is what needs to be done and doing it.
- Ecstasy
The feeling of happiness you get by using your flow state is unmatchable. It is a mixture of pride of accomplishment and a happiness for focusing so heavily.
How do you get into the flow state?
There are 3 main things you need to do to get into the flow state.
- Take steps to eliminate distractions and interruptions.
- Eliminate inner conflicts. (Like arguing with yourself about what you should have for dinner.)
- Do a quick dash of intense focused work. Usually 15-20 minutes would do the job. 9/10 times this would help you get into the flow state but you do have to do the first 2 steps in order for this step to be effective.
In conclusion, do not multitask. Focusing on one thing will help you achieve your 110%.