Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

From Small Steps to Long Strides: My Evolution from 200 Meters to 6 Kilometers

A few weeks ago, I shared my jogging journey through a blog with you all. Since then, I’ve made remarkable progress, and I thought it was time for an update. It all began when my father, brother, and I went to the park for a jog. My father led us from one end to the other and back, but I could barely make it halfway before struggling to catch my breath. At that point, I could hardly manage 200 meters.

My father saw potential in me and invited me to jog with him regularly. Reluctantly, I agreed. On our first outing together, I pushed myself and ran an entire kilometer—a vast improvement from my initial attempt. However, our jogging routine was interrupted by a family vacation, and we lost momentum.

Months later, my father resumed his jogging habit and asked me to join him once more. This time, I was determined to improve consistently. We bought proper jogging shoes and attire, preparing for our daily runs. Initially, I could still only run a kilometer. Yet the next day, I doubled that distance.

My progress continued steadily: from two kilometers to two and a half—the point at which I wrote the first blog post about my journey. My improvement had been swift, but there was still much ground to cover. My ultimate goal was to complete a full six-kilometer route without breaks—since the route I always took always took 6km.

The six-kilometer target loomed in the distance as a challenge waiting to be conquered. And so, with determination and perseverance fueling my stride, I continued on this incredible journey of transformation—one step at a time.
It all began with slow jogging, a technique my father taught me. I used to jog at a fast pace without breaks, or stop and walk when out of breath. But he advised me to slow down and recover my breath while still jogging. This changed everything.

A few days later, I reached a milestone: three kilometers without stopping. Halfway to my goal of six kilometers, I felt elated. I continued jogging three days a week, and soon enough, I reached four kilometers. Just two more to go.

Then one day, I completed 6km…with breaks. Although I managed to run six kilometers with breaks, my ultimate goal was to accomplish it without stopping. I kept up my routine, and finally, the day arrived when I completed six continuous kilometers.

I hadn’t expected to reach my goal that day. My plan was to run two-kilometer stretches with 100-meter breaks in between. However, as I jogged, I found myself at two kilometers without breaking a sweat. Surprised by my energy level, I decided to push it further – four kilometers before taking a break.

Reaching four kilometers and still feeling energized, I made the bold decision to attempt the full six kilometers. Uncertainty loomed as a daunting obstacle lay ahead. But not one to back down from a challenge, I pressed on towards victory.
The hill loomed before me, though small in stature, it stretched for a kilometer. Its challenge taunted me, especially after having jogged four kilometers already. I braced myself for the struggle ahead.

As I ascended and descended the hill, to my surprise, not a single bead of sweat broke upon my brow. The once imposing obstacle now lay conquered behind me. Invigorated, I jogged the remaining kilometer with a newfound joy.

At last, I arrived back home, triumphant in achieving my goal of six kilometers. The moral?

One response to “From Small Steps to Long Strides: My Evolution from 200 Meters to 6 Kilometers”

  1. […] December, my eldest son ran six kilometers. As part of my fat-to-fit journey, I jogged three days a week with him. It took him awhile to build […]