Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

  • What type of music do I like?

    According to google, music means: vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.But what does it mean to me? Music is known to stimulate emotions and could affect each emotion differently. For me, I must have a different music taste that could…

  • Our new song cover.

    So we released a new song cover and it was the first time I did this. My dad suggested we make a video all together since I knew how to play guitar and my brother knows how to play cajon. We were with my cousin at that time so we asked her to sing. Our…

  • World War One explained in 800 words.

    World War One starts. World War One started with a conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. The Heir of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was shot by Gavrilo Princp, a Serbian nationalist. Igniting the spark that led to the First World War. Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination sparked a chain reaction. Austria-Hungary wanted to fight Serbia. But they…

  • Private Property and why its vital for economy.

    WHO WAS PLATO? Plato was a Greek philosopher born in Athens during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. He founded the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent. PLATO’S VIEWS ON PROPERTY. Plato’s argument was that property should be public so that the goverment has…

  • Bartering, and how paper money replaced it.

    What is BARTER? Barter is when one party directly trades goods or services with the other party. What do I mean by directly? Well, lets say for example there are two neighbors. Neighbor 1 and Neighbor 2. Neighbor 1 wants his door fixed while Neighbor 2 wants his car washed. If they do the trade through paper…

  • What makes me unique?

    Several things make me unique, for example, I’m homeschooled. Being homeschooled makes me more unique than the rest of the children as even in the US, only 3% of kids are homeschooled. When you are homeschooled you have the freedom to learn what you want. I learn Economics, Tamil, Guitar etc.I have enjoyed being homeschooled…