Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

  • The Costliest Battle in World War One

    The Costliest Battle in World War One

    The Battle of Verdun started with a 9 hour German Artillery Barrage using 1220 guns on a 20 kilometer front. The Germans fired nearly 1 million shells during the barrage. All French telephone communications were cut off because of the heavy artillery barrage. As a result, no French reinforcements could arrive and effective command was…

  • Explaining the most common method of Hacking.

    Cookie logging is the most popular form of hacking. To understand cookie logging, though, you must understand cookies. Basically, a browser stores information that comes from you in the form of cookies. What are Cookies? Sadly for me, these cookies aren’t tasty. Cookies contain data about location, PII, preferences, historical actions etc. Ever tried deleting…

  • The Second Battle of Marnes

    What was the Second Battle of Marnes? The Second Battle of Marnes was the last major German Offensive. This offensive was made to be a distraction so that the Allied troops in the north would move elsewhere allowing the Germans to swoop in and ultimately win. But fate had decided not to let that happen….

  • One of my favorite novels.

    “Elementary, my dear friend.” If that didn’t give you a clue on what it is then let me start from the beginning. In everything, my taste changes often. In music I started from listening to metal then slowly transitioned to pop, suspensful and movie theme songs. Same stays for the genre of books. One day…

  • The Battle of Marnes In Depth

    The first Battle of Marnes was the first face-off between the Central Powers and the Allies. This is why the first Battle of Marnes is so crucial. I am very eager to tell you the whole story right now but I don’t want to spoil it. So let’s start. Before the Battle of Marnes It’s…

  • What if I had a million dollars?

    My brother was annoying me and after I finally got rid of him, I thought to myself. “If I get a penny every time my brother annoyed me, I would have a million dollars.” Then instantly I wondered what will I do with the million dollars. These are the thoughts that ran through my mind:…