Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

Category: Business

  • Amortization simplified into 300 words

    ‘What is Amortization? Firstly, what is amortization? Amortization is the process of distributing the cost of an investment over time. Essentially, it involves calculating how much you spend on an investment annually and measuring the revenue generated by that investment within the same period. Let’s consider a simple example. Imagine you own a plushie company…

  • Lifetime Value and CAC

    What are Lifetime Value and Customer Acquisition Cost? Let’s begin by examining Lifetime Value. What is Lifetime Value? Lifetime Value is the total value of a customer over the lifetime of their relationship with your company. The more they purchase from you, and the longer they stay with you, the higher the Lifetime Value, the more…

  • How Business Takes Advantage of Scarcity

    How Business Takes Advantage of Scarcity

    What is scarcity? Well the dictionary definition of scarcity is pretty simple, “The state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.” So now what happens if something is in short supply and there is substantial demand? People will be encouraged to buy as quickly as possible which is profitable for the company that makes…

  • The 3 Core Financial Statements you need to know.

    The 3 Core Financial Statements you need to know.

    In finance there are three critical statements that will help you see if your company or other companies’ performance in finance. Here they are: Before I show you what these statements mean, I would like to point out that these statements are used to lay all the things you are doing on the table and…

  • The best business plan for startups in 600 words.

    What is a lean canvas? Lean Canvas is an easy way to plan your business on one page, or on one canvas. Which is why it is called Lean Canvas. Lean Canvas is an adaptation of the business model. The Lean Canvas is a one-canvas business plan. It consists of nine blocks to be filled…

  • The Ottoman Empire in WW1

    The Ottoman Empire in WW1

    The Ottomans were in my opinion a great opponent to the Allies in WW1. But how did it all come to be and what battles were fought? Find out in this blog post! Enjoy reading. Why did the Ottomans join the Central Powers? The Ottomans were friends with most European super-powers at time. They had…

  • The Three A’s of a Revenue Stream

    The Three A’s There are three A’s which feed into the Value Stream. Today I will discuss the three A’s and how you can apply them in your life. These three A’s talk about the work you do and the results/revenue you get from them. Active If you are active in your business, you are…

  • The Element of Surprise in Business.

    In today’s blog post, I will discuss expectations. Each and every one of us has it within us. In the case of an exam, for example, we expect a certain grade, and if we fail to meet the expectations, we are saddened or even horrified. However, when we exceed our expectations, we are filled with…

  • First Two Weeks of Braces

    Recently I got some braces because I had something called “Deepbite” Deepbite casues my upper teeth to overlap my bottom teeth when my mouth is closed. When I am older, my lower teeth would clash against my upper teeth causing my lower teeth to erode. So, I had to get braces. For the first 2…

  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme

    The Allies had decided to launch an offensive against the Germans at late 1916. But then the Battle of Verdun started. It was a German offensive made to literally wear down the French. French really needed help, a distraction to relieve the pressure off the French. So the Battle of Somme was rescheduled to the…