Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

First Two Weeks of Braces

Recently I got some braces because I had something called “Deepbite” Deepbite casues my upper teeth to overlap my bottom teeth when my mouth is closed. When I am older, my lower teeth would clash against my upper teeth causing my lower teeth to erode. So, I had to get braces.

For the first 2 days, eating seemed annoying. It was painful in certain places, but it was no more than a pinch. Due to my inability to bite very hard, I only ate rice, dosas and other soft foods. But after day two, it was a breeze. I could eat most foods and my braces became a normal part of my life.

For some reason though, I loved fiddling with my braces. I found it oddly satisfying touching the braces with my upper lips, and it gave me something to do when I was bored. I’d often find myself playing with them when I was alone.

There was something that annoyed me very much though. They added some blue elastic balls between my last molars. I had no idea what they did but I thought they were placeholders for something else. And soon I will know. I had another dentist appointment at the end of the week.

The appointment started with some mild stuff and ended with a literal extraction of one of my milk teeth. I came there to remove those very-annoying-blue-elastic-balls and they did that quite easily. But then they dropped a bombshell.

I had to get one of my milk teeth extracted because it was preventing my permanent teeth from coming in. They added some anesthesia. The vaccine hurt but the extraction did not. They added cotton to the area where the extraction took place. I couldn’t speak for 1 hour nor eat anything for 1 hour.

After that it was easy. Braces became normal for me and I could eat properly! Of course I cannot eat certain foods but other than that it was very normal. It’s funny how fast our boy’s can adapt to foreign parts!