Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

How exercising changed us completely

As Covid-19 brewed, our schools started shutting down and a mass lockdown encages us in our houses. You may call it lockdown but I call it house arrest. 

Many unfortunate victims of the disease emerged. The main symptoms are fever, dry cough, and lack of air. We all can agree Covid gave us all a big scare. Larger than my absurd fear of dogs perhaps.

We were extremely lucky not to be infected by the virus. Yet even though I had no Covid, I had a slight bit of cough and cold.

 I remember that day like it was yesterday. I did not know what to do. Especially since Covid-19 was spreading like wildfire, it was hard to go to shops without being looked at. Then one morning, our dad asked us to come exercise with him. Little did we know, this would change our reality in the upcoming years.


We started with a general workout. We weren’t serious about it and we took it lightly. We did not realize at that time that this little mustard seed would grow into such a large tree. I did not see the change instantly. But slowly and surely I improved. After 3 years of working out, I have seen improvement. And the best part? I am still improving. A long road to go but a huge road behind. But of course, change intrudes on every part of our life.


Once we started working out a lot more, our dad thought it would be a great idea to buy us some cycles. And right he was! We started riding our cycles everywhere. Day and night. Weekdays and weekends. Cycling had become my new favorite. I rode my cycle everywhere. Even going as far as using my cousin’s cycle because I was on vacation. Some of the reasons that made cycling fun was that it was easy, quick, and efficient


As winter crept up, It was beginning to get colder. We had to do some physical exercise to keep fit. We managed for the first month or so by doing exercise as usual. But my dad usually walks in the city. So one day, we tagged along with him.

As a reward for tagging along, we got some carrot juice. It was one of the most delicious juices I had ever tasted. I was encaged by the thought that carrot juice would have just tasted weird. Yet It was simply fine and dandy.


I started jogging just recently and it couldn’t be better. We were out playing badminton with my dad when he asked us to jog from one end of the park to the other. I couldn’t complete half of it without being at the end of the tether.

Another good morning. I had a feeling that I could do better than that. So I tagged along with my dad back to the park. I couldn’t believe it. The result was just astounding. I jogged twice around the park without being played out. I cannot describe to you how simply beautiful that feeling was. The feeling of accomplishment. The feeling that I did something I couldn’t do just a few days back.

As I look back, I see how long I have come. But as I said, I have a long way to go but look how far I have come.