Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

How to find out your core desires and achieve them.

All of us harbor desires, whether it’s accumulating a million dollars or acquiring the latest gadget. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you want these things? Our answers are often vague, leaving us unsure of our true motivations. That’s where the 5-Fold Why technique comes in.
5-Fold Why

The 5-Fold Why is a method of repeatedly asking “why” until we uncover the core reason behind our wants. This process can be eye-opening; sometimes, it reveals alternative ways to achieve what we truly desire—ways that might be cheaper or better than our initial goal.
Take the classic example: “I want a million dollars.” Applying the 5-Fold Why, we might ask ourselves:

1. Why do I want a million dollars? – To not stress about money.
2. Why don’t I want to stress about money? – To avoid anxiety.
3. Why don’t I want to feel anxious? – To feel secure.
4. Why do I want to feel secure? – To feel free.
5. Why do I want to feel free?

At this point, we’ve reached the core desire: freedom. Realizing that our true goal is not necessarily a million dollars but rather the feeling of freedom allows us to explore different avenues toward achieving it.
5-fold How

However, once we’ve identified our root desire, how do we go about fulfilling it? Enter the 5-fold How technique. Similar to its counterpart, this method involves asking ourselves a series of “how” questions to devise a plan for reaching our true objective.

In doing so, we not only gain clarity on what we genuinely want but also discover new and potentially more effective ways of obtaining it. So next time you find yourself chasing after a particular goal, pause and employ the 5-Fold Why and 5-Fold How techniques—you might just uncover a path that leads you closer to your heart’s true desire.
In the heart of our desires lies a method to connect our core yearnings to tangible actions: the 5-fold Why. This approach allows us to delve deep into our wants and create a map, leading us step by step to the realization of our dreams.

For example, let’s take our previous outcome of 5-Fold Why. “I want to feel free.” Through the 5-fold How, we can dissect this desire and transform it into achievable actions. For instance, we may consider paying off debt, starting a business, or taking a vacation. Let’s say quitting a job and launching a new venture holds the key to that coveted sense of freedom.

We must then ask “how?” repeatedly, refining our fuzzy idea until it becomes a crystal-clear plan. As we continue to inquire and reflect, we construct a chain of actions leading us from our grand aspirations down to immediate tasks. Every step forward should resonate with the ultimate goal: freedom.

The beauty of the Fivefold Why lies in its simplicity. By connecting lofty ambitions to smaller actions, we can navigate through life with purpose and intention, savoring each accomplishment as it brings us closer to the fulfillment of our deepest desires.