Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

Jogging Days

What is Jogging?

Jogging is a type of aerobic exercise that involves running at a steady and moderate pace. It’s popular with people of all ages and fitness levels because it’s simple and good for you. Besides improving cardiovascular fitness, jogging strengthens muscles, helps you lose weight, and makes you feel good.

It’s easy to jog anywhere and anytime. Unlike other forms of exercise that require equipment or memberships, jogging can be done anywhere. You just need a comfortable pair of running shoes and a suitable surface, like a sidewalk, park trail, or treadmill, to run.

When we jog, our heart rate increases, helping us strengthen our heart muscle and make it more efficient. It’s also good for your heart, lowers your blood pressure, and keeps you healthy in general.

My Jogging Experience

My father, me and my brother had this routine of getting out and walking on Fridays and Saturdays every week. We always walk to this park that is right near our house as it is fast.

Right near our park was another park. Almost the same shape as the park we went to but there was more space to play inside it. Since there was a huge space inside the park, me, my brother and my father decided to go to that park instead of the one close to us.

Since this park had a lot more space inside than the other ones, my father challenged us to jog from one end of the park to the other and back. The park was roughly 100 meters long but since it was my first time jogging, I failed as I jogged back. Remember, my first jog was less than 200 meters!

After that, I sort of forgot about jogging for some months, during which my father started jogging. He then invited me to jog with him. I agreed and my father started teaching me exercises that would help me jog. Breathing exercises, leg exercises etc.

The day finally came when I had to jog. My head was crowded with questions, nervousness and anxiety. I put on my jacket, socks and shoes and went out with my father. We did some warmups and started walking. He told me that we would walk up to a point then start jogging and he gave me tips for jogging.

Just a few minutes later, we started jogging and every few seconds I felt like I was going to fall but I didn’t. My father told me that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. In every task it was my mind that gives up first and so I had to conquer it.

I stretched myself as hard as I could and jogged for 1 kilometer before giving up. After that it was just a mixture of jogging and walking but I did it.

I never imagined that just two days of jogging later I could jog 2.5 kilometers in one go. I came home feeling very pleased with myself. I felt tired from the jogging but happy about the accomplishment. I felt very surprised I made it that far but what surprised me even more was how I jumped from 200 meters to 2.5KM! All in all, I found a new attachment to jogging and I earned endurance.