Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

One of my favorite novels.

“Elementary, my dear friend.”

If that didn’t give you a clue on what it is then let me start from the beginning.

In everything, my taste changes often. In music I started from listening to metal then slowly transitioned to pop, suspensful and movie theme songs. Same stays for the genre of books. One day we were in Walmart, and there was a book stallwith Geronimo Stilton books. From there started my addiction of books. Soon I went from Geronimo Stilton to Diary of the Wimpy Kid.

Mid 12 years old, I found a love for spy novels. Mainly because of Anthony Horowitz’s Alex Rider Series. It was about the teenage spy of 14, Alex Rider, on his missions for MI6. Just prior to this I read The Diamond Brothers by the same author. Soon I read 6 Alex Rider books and the only reason I didn’t read more is because I didn’t buy more.

Now what about the quote? I wrote 2 paragraphs without mentioning what that has to do with it. It all started when we strolled into this cafe. It had an English look to it and there was a tiny library in it. By tiny I mean like 5 bookshelves. And thats where I layed my eyes upon the Sherlock Holmes book. It was larger than my head and weighed as much as my head as well. It was a collection of all the writings by Arthur Conan Doyle.

On the same day I stared reading Study In Scarlet, I only read a few pages before I had to sleep. Sadly every day I had work and I could only read in the evenings and thats what I did. Before I knew it, I had finished Study In Scarlet. I wanted a rest from books in general and so I took a break. What can I say? Study In Scarlet was fascinating. The way the introduced the characters was fantastic.

Soon I had read 5 stories of Sherlock Holmes and I have lots more to read. I see the difference of genres. I started with adventure and fantasy to spy novels and detective stories.

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