Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

What historical person would you converse with and why?

As you all know, Mahatma Gandhi is the father of our nation, India. India was enslaved and ruled over by the Brits. To overthrow their rule, many freedom fighters emerged but many of their ways were violent. They were not strategic. Although they also made an impact, they also gave the Brits an easy excuse to put them in jail.

Mahatma Gandhi on the other hand was a peaceful annoyance to the Brits, doing all sorts for boycotts and what not. He wasn’t violent, hard and unkind. In fact he was just the opposite. He did not believe in unkind methods which usually lead to nowhere.

Gandhi was as smart as a book and he used it to his advantage. I would have liked to know more of his knowledge. Maybe even as simple as asking the best way to peaceful life to various different stuff.

I would also want to know l his experience of freedom fighting from him. Not only that, I would like to know how he pictures a happy India in the future. How would he shape India if he was in charge?

Many freedom fighters were young,’

Mahatma Gandhi was old but all of them made a difference in this world.