Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

  • How exercising changed us completely

    As Covid-19 brewed, our schools started shutting down and a mass lockdown encages us in our houses. You may call it lockdown but I call it house arrest.  Many unfortunate victims of the disease emerged. The main symptoms are fever, dry cough, and lack of air. We all can agree Covid gave us all a…

  • The benefits and losses of opportunities.

    Opportunity costs are the benefits and losses you get from choosing a certain path. We have all had this moment in life when we had to choose between two or more paths. The hardest decisions are the ones where all of them give you the best benefits. Let me state an example: Let’s say you…

  • Books that made my childhood.

    Books have always been a part of my childhood. They are like the foundations of a house but they are also roots. I honestly feel the same way and if books didn’t exist, then so will 70% of my knowledge. My dad started reading books to me from the day I was born. No wonder…

  • What online tools I use and why? ⚙️🛠️

    Filmora 12 What is Filmora 12? Filmora 12 is a video editing software, easy to use, and hard to hate. Filmora has over 800+ effects and supports 50+ formats and is beginner friendly. Let me explain how. I have edited videos through three different, popular softwares. Namely, iMovie, Kinemaster, and Filmora 12. Here’s why I prefer Filmora…

  • What is global trade?

    Even now as you continue reading, global trade is in the process. Countless countries are importing and countless more, exporting. That is simply global trade. The process where countries export and import. What are export and import? Exporting is when a country sends its goods to another country for sale. I’ll state an example of this…

  • The most efficient way to learn economics.

    Economics is one of the subjects I’m learning as a homeschooler. Since I am homeschooled, I don’t learn economics the same way we do in school. Instead, I use a different method and till now it has proven to be very useful. So what is this method and how does it work? In learning, there…