Josh Writes

Small boy with big dreams.

  • Commander’s Intent and why it’s better than Micromanaging.

    What is Commander’s Intent? Hey there! Let’s talk about commander’s intent and how it can transform the way we work. First, let’s understand its counterpart – micromanagement. You may have experienced it firsthand; it’s like a dark cloud hanging over a worker’s head. Imagine being a skilled professional, only to have someone else hover over…

  • Karikala Chola: Everything you need to know.

    Who is Karikala Chola? In ancient and medieval times, Karikala Chola was a legend and a historical figure associated with the Chola dynasty, which was a powerful South Indian dynasty that dominated a significant portion of the Indian subcontinent during the ancient and medieval periods. Traditionally considered to be one of the greatest Chola kings…

  • What is power? Which is better, influence or force?

    What is power? Power can be defined as the ability to influence other people in a positive or negative way. There are two ways through which this can be accomplished: through force or through influence. Force can be used to coerce others into doing something, while influence can be used to persuade others to do…

  • The Challenge of Letting Go in Goal Pursuits.

    The unpleasant side of your goals: Goals are really useful. It brings purpose to what you are doing. It also motivates you to accomplish more than what you would have accomplished doing it casually. Take for example, a simple thing such as art. You could do it for fun, nothing wrong with that. But you…

  • My Experience in India’s Heart of Winter.

    My Experience in India’s Heart of Winter.

    My journey to Srinagar began when we left home at 2pm. We arrived at the airport an hour later, breezed through check-ins and security, and relaxed in a cozy cafe. I sipped on a refreshing cooler, while my parents enjoyed tea, and my siblings also indulged in coolers. Soon, we boarded the plane. With music…

  • My Goals for JFM 2024.

    These are my current goals for JFM. The quarter of January, Febuary and March. Let’s start with what I want to study. First of all I would like to continue studying Chola History, reading and learning “personal MBA”, learning guitar, learning Tamil and learning Mathematics. What are my goals in each of these subjects? Chola…